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Monomorium pharaonis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Formica pharaonis Linnaeus, 1758:580 - As Monomorium pharaonis: - Wheeler, 1905Wheeler, W.M. 1905. The ants of the Bahamas, with a list of the known West Indian species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 21:79-135. (distribution); Wheeler, 1913Wheeler, W.M. 1913. The ants of Cuba. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology LIV (17):477-505. (distribution); Wheeler, 1916Wheeler, W.M. 1916. Ants collected in British Guiana by the expedition of the American Museum of Natural History during 1911. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 35:1-14. (distribution); Alayo, 1973Alayo, P.D. 1973. Catálogo de los Himenopteros de Cuba. Instituto Cubano del libro, La Habana. 1-218. (distribution); Deyrup et al., 1988Deyrup, M., N. Carlin, J. Trager & G. Umphrey 1988. A review of the ants of the Florida Keys. The Florida Entomologist 71 (2):163-176. (distribution); Hohmann, H. et al., 1993Hohmann, H., La Roche, F., Ortega, G. & Barquin, J. 1993. Bienen, Wespen und Ameisen der Kanarischen Inseln (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Aculeata) I. Vröff. Übersee-Museum Bremen (Naturwiss) 12 (I-III):14-712. (distribution); Fontenla Rizo, 1993Fontenla Rizo, J.L. 1993. Mirmecofauna de Isla de la Juventud y de algunos cayos del archipiélago cubano. Poeyana 444:1-7. (distribution); Fontenla Rizo, 1995Fontenla Rizo, J.L. 1995. Reflexiones sobre las hormigas “vagabundas” de Cuba. Cocuyo 3:11-22. (distribution); Seifert, 1996Seifert, B. 1996. Ameisen - beobachten, bestimmen. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg. 1-384.:242 (listed); Fowles, A.P., 1996Fowles, A.P. 1996. A provisional checklist of the invertebrates recorded from Wales. 2. Aculeate wasps, bees and ants (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). 1-57. (distribution); Seifert, 2001Seifert, B. 2001. Formicidae. In: Dathe, H., A. Taeger & S.M. Blank (Ed.). Verzeichnis der Hautflügler Deutschlands (Entomofauna Germanica, Band 4). 125-129. (distribution); Starr & Hook, 2003Starr, C.K. & Hook, A.W. 2003. The aculeate Hymenoptera of Trinidad, West Indies. Occasional Papers o the Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies 12:1-31. (distribution); Portuondo Ferrer & Fernández Triana, 2004Portuondo Ferrer, E. & J.L. Fernández Triana 2004. Biodiversidad del orden Hymenoptera en los macizos montañosos de Cuba oriental. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 35:121-136. (distribution); Wetterer & Wetterer, 2004Wetterer, J.K. and A. L. Wetterer 2004. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Bermuda. The Florida Entomologist 87 (2):212-221. (distribution); Fernández & Sendoya, 2004Fernández, F. & S. Sendoya 2004. List of Neotropical ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Biota Colombiana 5 (1):3-93. (distribution); Reyes, 2005Reyes, J.L. 2005. Inventario de la colección de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) del Centro Oriental de Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 36:279-283. (distribution); Fong et al., 2005 2005. Cuba: Siboney-Juticí. Rapid Biological Inventories Report 10. The Field Museum, Chicago. 1-209. (distribution); Wetterer et al., 2007Wetterer, J.K., X. Espadaler, A.L. Wetterer, D. Aguin-Pombo & A.M. Franquinho-Aguiar 2007. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Madeiran Archipelago. Sociobiology 49 (3):265-297. (distribution); Werner & Wiezik, 2007Werner, P. & M. Wiezik 2007. Vespoidea: Formicidae. In: Bogusch, P., J. Straka & P. Kment (Ed.). Annotated checklist of the Aculeata (Hymenoptera) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 133-164. (distribution); Fontenla Rizo & Matienzo Brito, 2011Fontenla Rizo, J.L. & Matienzo Brito, Y. 2011. Hormigas invasoras y vagabundas de Cuba. Fitosanidad 15 (4):253-259. (distribution); Fontenla & Alfonso-Simonetti, 2018Fontenla, J.L. & J. Alfonso-Simonetti 2018. Classification of cuban ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) into functional groups. Poeyana 506:21-30. (distribution); Lubertazzi, 2019Lubertazzi, D. 2019. The ants of Hispaniola. Museum of Comparative Zoology 162 (2):59-210. (distribution); Vanoye-Eligio et al., 2020Vanoye-Eligio, M., J.V. HortaVega, V. Vanoye-Eligio, M. Rosas-Mejía & L.J. Estrada Ramírez 2020. Review of Occurrence of Vespoidea (Hymenoptera) in the State of Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Entomological Science 55 (3):366-381. (distribution); AntWeb, 2023AntWeb 2023. Ants. . (distribution).
Formica antiguensis Fabricius, 1793:357
Myrmica domestica Shuckard, 1838:627
Atta minuta Jerdon, 1851:105
Myrmica vastator Smith, 1857:71
Myrmica contigua Smith, 1858:125
Myrmica fragilis Smith, 1858:124


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Area distribution map

map of Monomorium pharaonis     (Linnaeus, 1758)


(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(Wheeler, 1905; Wetterer & Wetterer, 2004; Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(AntWeb, 2023)
(Wetterer & Wetterer, 2004 ?)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
CAN-AlbCanada - Alberta
(AntWeb, 2023)
CAN-BrCCanada - British Columbia
(AntWeb, 2023)
CAN-ManCanada - Manitoba
(AntWeb, 2023)
CAN-OntCanada - Ontario
(AntWeb, 2023)
CAN-QuéCanada - Québec
(AntWeb, 2023)
CAN-SasCanada - Saskatchewan
(AntWeb, 2023)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
CRICosta Rica
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(Wheeler, 1913; Alayo, 1973; Fontenla Rizo, 1993; Fontenla Rizo, 1995; Portuondo Ferrer & Fernández Triana, 2004; Reyes, 2005; Fontenla Rizo & Matienzo Brito, 2011; Fontenla & Alfonso-Simonetti, 2018; AntWeb, 2023)
CUB-SaCCuba - Santiago de Cuba
(Fong et al., 2005)
CZECzech Republic
(Werner & Wiezik, 2007)
DEU-BaGermany - Bavaria
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-BBGermany - Brandenburg + Berlin
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-BWGermany - Baden-Württemberg
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-HeGermany - Hesse
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-LSBGermany - Lower Saxony + Bremen
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-MVGermany - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-NRWGermany - North Rhine-Westphalia
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-RPSGermany - Rhineland-Palatinate + Saarland
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-SAGermany - Saxony-Anhalt
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-SHHGermany - Schleswig-Holstein + Hamburg
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-SxGermany - Saxony
(Seifert, 2001)
DEU-ThGermany - Thuringia
(Seifert, 2001)
DOMDominican Republic
(Lubertazzi, 2019 introduced; AntWeb, 2023)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
ESPSpain - Canary Islands - Teneriffa
(Hohmann, H. et al., 1993)
ESP-CanSpain - Canary Islands
(Hohmann, H. et al., 1993)
GBR-WalUnited Kingdom - Wales
(Fowles, A.P., 1996)
(AntWeb, 2023)
GUFFrench Guiana
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(Wheeler, 1916; Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(AntWeb, 2023)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004)
MEX-AguMexico - Aguascalientes
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-BaCMexico - Baja California
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-CamMexico - Campeche
(Vanoye-Eligio et al., 2020; AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-ChsMexico - Chiapas
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-GueMexico - Guerrero
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-HidMexico - Hidalgo
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-JalMexico - Jalisco
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-NayMexico - Nayarit
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-OaxMexico - Oaxaca
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-QuRMexico - Quintana Roo
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-SinMexico - Sinaloa
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-SonMexico - Sonora
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-TabMexico - Tabasco
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-TamMexico - Tamaulipas
(AntWeb, 2023)
MEX-VdIMexico - Veracruz
(AntWeb, 2023)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(AntWeb, 2023)
PRIPuerto Rico
(AntWeb, 2023)
PRT-MadPortugal - Madeira
(Wetterer & Wetterer, 2004; Wetterer et al., 2007 new)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
SVKSlovakia (Slovak Republic)
(Werner & Wiezik, 2007)
TTOTrinidad and Tobago
(Starr & Hook, 2003; Fernández & Sendoya, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
(Fernández & Sendoya, 2004)
USA-ALUnited States - Alabama
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-ARUnited States - Arkansas
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-AZUnited States - Arizona
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-CAUnited States - California
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-COUnited States - Colorado
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-CTUnited States - Connecticut
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-DCUnited States - Washington D.C.
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-DEUnited States - Delaware
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-FLUnited States - Florida
(Deyrup et al., 1988; Wetterer & Wetterer, 2004; AntWeb, 2023)
USA-GAUnited States - Georgia
(AntWeb, 2023)
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-IAUnited States - Iowa
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-IDUnited States - Idaho
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-ILUnited States - Illinois
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-INUnited States - Indiana
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-KSUnited States - Kansas
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-KYUnited States - Kentucky
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-LAUnited States - Louisiana
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-MAUnited States - Massachusetts
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-MDUnited States - Maryland
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-MEUnited States - Maine
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-MIUnited States - Michigan
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-MNUnited States - Minnesota
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-MOUnited States - Missouri
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-MSUnited States - Mississippi
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-MTUnited States - Montana
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-NCUnited States - North Carolina
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-NDUnited States - North Dakota
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-NEUnited States - Nebraska
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-NHUnited States - New Hampshire
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-NJUnited States - New Jersey
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-NMUnited States - New Mexico
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-NYUnited States - New York
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-OHUnited States - Ohio
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-OKUnited States - Oklahoma
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-ORUnited States - Oregon
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-PAUnited States - Pennsylvania
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-RIUnited States - Rhode Island
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-SCUnited States - South Carolina
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-SDUnited States - South Dakota
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-TNUnited States - Tennessee
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-TXUnited States - Texas
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-UTUnited States - Utah
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-VAUnited States - Virginia
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-VTUnited States - Vermont
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-WAUnited States - Washington
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-WIUnited States - Wisconsin
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-WVUnited States - West Virginia
(AntWeb, 2023)
USA-WYUnited States - Wyoming
(AntWeb, 2023)
(AntWeb, 2023)
WIIWest Indies
(Wetterer & Wetterer, 2004)


  • Alayo, P.D. 1973. Catálogo de los Himenopteros de Cuba. Instituto Cubano del libro, La Habana. 1-218.
  • AntWeb 2023. Ants. .
  • Deyrup, M., N. Carlin, J. Trager & G. Umphrey 1988. A review of the ants of the Florida Keys. The Florida Entomologist 71 (2):163-176.
  • Fabricius, J.C. 1793. Entomologia Systematica emendata et aucta. Vol. 2. Christian Gottlieb Proft, Hafniae. viii + 519 pp.
  • Fernández, F. & S. Sendoya 2004. List of Neotropical ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Biota Colombiana 5 (1):3-93.
  • 2005. Cuba: Siboney-Juticí. Rapid Biological Inventories Report 10. The Field Museum, Chicago. 1-209.
  • Fontenla Rizo, J.L. 1993. Mirmecofauna de Isla de la Juventud y de algunos cayos del archipiélago cubano. Poeyana 444:1-7.
  • Fontenla Rizo, J.L. 1995. Reflexiones sobre las hormigas “vagabundas” de Cuba. Cocuyo 3:11-22.
  • Fontenla Rizo, J.L. & Matienzo Brito, Y. 2011. Hormigas invasoras y vagabundas de Cuba. Fitosanidad 15 (4):253-259.
  • Fontenla, J.L. & J. Alfonso-Simonetti 2018. Classification of cuban ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) into functional groups. Poeyana 506:21-30.
  • Fowles, A.P. 1996. A provisional checklist of the invertebrates recorded from Wales. 2. Aculeate wasps, bees and ants (Hymenoptera: Aculeata). 1-57.
  • Hohmann, H., La Roche, F., Ortega, G. & Barquin, J. 1993. Bienen, Wespen und Ameisen der Kanarischen Inseln (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Aculeata) I. Vröff. Übersee-Museum Bremen (Naturwiss) 12 (I-III):14-712.
  • Linnaeus, C. 1758. Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae. Ed. 10, Vol. 1 Holmiae. :824 pp.
  • Lubertazzi, D. 2019. The ants of Hispaniola. Museum of Comparative Zoology 162 (2):59-210.
  • Portuondo Ferrer, E. & J.L. Fernández Triana 2004. Biodiversidad del orden Hymenoptera en los macizos montañosos de Cuba oriental. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 35:121-136.
  • Reyes, J.L. 2005. Inventario de la colección de hormigas (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) del Centro Oriental de Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa 36:279-283.
  • Seifert, B. 1996. Ameisen - beobachten, bestimmen. Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg. 1-384.
  • Seifert, B. 2001. Formicidae. In: Dathe, H., A. Taeger & S.M. Blank (Ed.). Verzeichnis der Hautflügler Deutschlands (Entomofauna Germanica, Band 4). 125-129.
  • Starr, C.K. & Hook, A.W. 2003. The aculeate Hymenoptera of Trinidad, West Indies. Occasional Papers o the Department of Life Sciences, University of the West Indies 12:1-31.
  • Vanoye-Eligio, M., J.V. HortaVega, V. Vanoye-Eligio, M. Rosas-Mejía & L.J. Estrada Ramírez 2020. Review of Occurrence of Vespoidea (Hymenoptera) in the State of Campeche, Mexico. Journal of Entomological Science 55 (3):366-381.
  • Werner, P. & M. Wiezik 2007. Vespoidea: Formicidae. In: Bogusch, P., J. Straka & P. Kment (Ed.). Annotated checklist of the Aculeata (Hymenoptera) of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 133-164.
  • Wetterer, J.K. and A. L. Wetterer 2004. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Bermuda. The Florida Entomologist 87 (2):212-221.
  • Wetterer, J.K., X. Espadaler, A.L. Wetterer, D. Aguin-Pombo & A.M. Franquinho-Aguiar 2007. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Madeiran Archipelago. Sociobiology 49 (3):265-297.
  • Wheeler, W.M. 1905. The ants of the Bahamas, with a list of the known West Indian species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 21:79-135.
  • Wheeler, W.M. 1913. The ants of Cuba. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology LIV (17):477-505.
  • Wheeler, W.M. 1916. Ants collected in British Guiana by the expedition of the American Museum of Natural History during 1911. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 35:1-14.